
Sabrina Cerclé Photo
Sabrina C. Photo Credit to Kim Stallknecht

Raised in the small town of Petit-Mars, in North West France, Sabrina Christie (née Cerclé) has always thrived on community involvement and knowing the people who share her neighborhood and her city. Her friendly and outgoing personality revealed itself from a young age and Sabrina’s parents quickly understood that she was destined to explore and enjoy the world.

Sabrina was born into a successful entrepreneurial family, Sabrina’s father’s company provided a solid understanding of business and seeded her interest in marketing, communication, sales, and management. After obtaining her BTS Action Commerciale degree and finishing her 2 years internship at Bodet, a European leader in time management solutions, Sabrina dove head first into learning English by moving to London, UK. This 6-month study break turned into a decade of development.

Eight years ago, after a period of displacement, Sabrina found the home she had been looking for with her move to Canada and she is now thrilled to call herself a Canadian citizen.

Sabrina’s adventures and her traveling experiences have formed, informed, and reinforced the independent and tenacious woman she is today. Sabrina is creative, innovative and goal orientated and her strong reputation and outstanding community relationships are founded on her involvement with and understanding of the values of the not-for-profit associations such as Share Food Bank, Crossroad Hospice Society, Eagle Ridge Hospital etc.

Sabrina’s restaurant management experience in London taught her the minutia of the operational side of a business and the importance of recruiting outstanding individuals. As part of the company training team opening restaurants, Sabrina was invigorated by the combination of professionally developing a team and rigorous planning which had an immediate impact on the local community.

Sabrina earned her event stripes at the Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce and later at the BCTIA, and devoted 4 years to business and political events. Event planning is second nature to Sabrina but she quickly realized that what she enjoys the most is activating an efficient marketing campaign to attract the targeted audience for a sell-out event. Her continuous focus on engagement increased the profile and brand awareness of the body being represented and led very quickly to going back to what she does best: marketing!

The development and execution of annual marketing & communications plans, the implementation of new technologies to better serve customers, the creation of marketing material, and the management of corporate public channels of communications make Sabrina a strong marketer who embraces new communication tools and who loves interpreting metrics to enhance, redesign or implement new strategies.

Sabrina’s journey gives her a natural understanding of the importance of nurturing cultural diversity.

Photography is an undiscovered passion and Sabrina’s curious and intuitive approach to life and her fascination with the world that surrounds her, make her a passionate student who plays with the camera to fulfill a desire to remember and learn. “Un voyage de mille lieues doit commencer par un pas” – Lao-Tzu, Chinese Philosopher

Sabrina was a young gymnast at the national level and her dedication to sport lingers. Today this takes the form of her “addiction” to Zumba, which takes care of her craving for music & dance while keeping her active and healthy.

Sabrina’s appetite for life has never faded as she continues to believe that life should be lived fully and that every happy occasion should be celebrated.


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