Ladies Social

I was privileged to be invited to Colleen Preston’s MaryKay Cosmetics event which was organized and hosted by the lovely Zoe Royer.

One year ago, Colleen Preston who is a former CEO of Elevated Fitness in the Tri-Cities, decided to shake up her career and moved to MaryKay Cosmetics. Colleen and her partner have been travelling over the past year and their return to the Tri-Cities was a perfect occasion for everyone to get together and to raise a glass in her honour.

The fabulous afternoon afforded me a chance to catch up with my dear friend Colleen and to hear how well she has been doing.  It also brought the realization that Zoe and her husband Gaetan, are the best hosts EVER!!!

We were all welcomed with their warmest hugs, a glass of champagne and the possibility to peruse their amazing home with some hand-made treats (incl. Cheesecake and macaroons) – it couldn’t have been more perfect.

The afternoon was so enjoyable that most of us didn’t notice the 4pm closing of the event sail by and instead whiled away a perfect afternoon in their home.

PS: Big shout out to Shadi Javadi for bringing her delicious “I Love You” chocolate bars – a great addition to a fabulous afternoon.